The Andreae Group prepares monthly reports to help keep our web visitors well informed about Punta Gorda/Port Charlotte real estate activity. These reports are organized by neighborhood for your convenience.
Once you've finished looking at the Just Sold and Just Listed reports, you can then view all the properties currently on the market as well as those listed in the last five days. All of this information is updated daily and organized by neighborhood for your convenience.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions about the market or if there is other information we can provide you.
Just Listed These reports display all new listings for the previous month by neighborhood. They also report the total number of houses on the market for each neighborhood.
Just Solds These reports show everything that closed each month by neighborhood. The Just Sold reports are provided in PDF format for your convenience. For this reason, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view our the Just Sold reports.